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CHF 90.00 CHF 45.00
Sturgeon breed: Acipenser Schrenckii x Huso Dauricus Description The noblest of the noble among connoisseurs. At the same time an ideal entry-level caviar. This selection is our “all-rounder”! If you have never tasted caviar before and would like to get a taste for it, we recommend the...
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CHF 225.00 CHF 112.50
Sturgeon breed : Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii Description Smaller grain, but wonderfully nutty in taste and with a magnificent play of colors. Ossetra is the pure embodiment of exquisite caviar culture! It is so popular because of its unmistakable, nutty taste. Especially in French...
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CHF 200.00 CHF 100.00
Sturgeon breed : Acipenser Baeri / Gueldenstaedtii or Schrenckii x Huso Dauricus Description Elegant, multi-layered, very aromatic. Our Classic is perfect for anyone who prefers intense caviar enjoyment. Our Classic is a fine-grained caviar obtained from the sturgeon species “Acipenser...
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Kleineres Korn, dafür wunderbar nussig im Geschmack und mit einem prächtigen Farbenspiel. Ossetra ist die pure Verkörperung exquisiter Kaviar-Kultur! Ossetra Kaviar der Stör-Art „Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii“ ist auf Grund seines unverwechselbaren, nussigen Geschmacks so begehrt. Insbesondere in...
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CHF 400.00 CHF 200.00
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CHF 220.00
This oscillating caviar is obtained from the sturgeon "Acipenser gueldenstaedtii". Its generous grains shimmer in a beautiful amber to golden hue. They are characterized by a regular shape and have a firm yet delicate texture. The oscillating caviar develops extremely delicate aromas of sea...
Discover the fulfillment of the highest promises with Oscietra Gros Grains caviar from Kaviari. A masterpiece of sustainable breeding, outstanding quality and a taste experience that is second to none. Our exclusive caviar comes from the sturgeon "Acipenser gueldenstaedtii". The pearls impress...
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CHF 332.00
Our Ossietra Gold caviar is obtained from the sturgeon "Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii". The uniformly sized grains of this caviar shimmer in a light golden hue.  Ingredients : Roe from sturgeon, salt Origin : Europe, China Storage : In a refrigerator between -2 and +2 degrees Celsius (26F...
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CHF 160.00
This caviar is obtained from the sturgeon "Acipenser transmontanus" and represents the expertise of Iranian caviar masters who have passed on their knowledge to Italian farms. Transmontanus caviar is characterized by the impressive size of its pearls, which are prized for their high fat content...
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CHF 240.00
This caviar is obtained from a cross between "Acipenser schrenckii" and "Huso dauricus" sturgeons and is the favorite of top caviari chefs. Kristal® caviar presents grains in a spectrum from olive green to gold. They are round and have a firm consistency, which makes them particularly...
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CHF 450.00 CHF 225.00
Einmal Beluga, immer Beluga. Dieser unglaublich cremige und aromatische Kaviar verspricht Höchstgenuss, den man nicht mehr missen möchte. Wer sich einmal in den Geschmack von Beluga Kaviar verliebt hat, kommt nicht mehr von ihm los. Zu schade, dass sich dieser hoch geschätzte Kaviar so rar...
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CHF 120.00 CHF 60.00
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  • ‎CHF 48
  • ‎CHF 450